


Rich Bread by Vera Mantero, 2017

The mountain is now deserted. People have foregathered all along the coast.
Empty mountain, swollen coastline.
In a flash (30 years? 40 years?), Quarteira: from poor fishing village to "referenced tourism centre".
The fishermen sold the sand and so the villas were born and then the little skyscrapers. Money and sand, sand and money.
In Quarteira the buildings are all much taller than the buildings in the neighbourhood where I live in Lisbon.
To get to Quarteira I pass by the golf course, by the golf outlet and by the high slides of the water park, from which the cheering population throws itself.
I leave Quarteira on foot, along the Dunes Path, and in 15 minutes I arrive at the Cristiano Ronaldo store in the Vilamoura Marina.
Rich Bread: Vale de Lobo and Vilamoura. Quarteira is the filling of a sandwich, the sandwich of € 10 million.
The invasion of the crowd happened a long time ago here.
Vera Mantero
After the first edition of the "DeVIR meetings", held in 2012 by DeVIR/CaPA, for which Vera Mantero created "The Caldeirão Highlanders, exercises in fictional anthropology", which reflected on the desertification in this mountainous area, she was again invited to the third edition of these Meetings, which continue to focus on Algarve themes and problems, this time on the disfigurement of the Algarve coast.


Conception and Performance
Vera Mantero

Photos and Video
Hugo Coelho and Vera Mantero

Lighting Design and Operation
Hugo Coelho – Aldeia da Luz

Text excerpts from
Ramalho Ortigão, Raúl Brandão and Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, with adaptions by Vera Mantero and Tiago Barbosa

Tiago Barbosa

Artistic residence

DeVIR/CaPA and Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos – Culturgest

O Rumo do Fumo

Alexandra Gonçalves, Antonieta Rita, Daniel Neagoe, Flávio Rita, Gabriel Almeida, Hélder Rita, João dos Santos, Luís Romão, Margarida Santos, Nuno Graça, Rui Alves and Tiago Barbosa

A commission from “Encontros do DeVIR” by DeVIR/CAPa.


26 - 27 May 2017, Culturgest, Lisbon/Portugal
Premiere – 29 April 2017, Encontros do DeVIR, Cine-teatro Louletano, Loulé/Portugal
© Filipe Farinha/Stills
© Filipe Farinha/Stills
© Filipe Farinha/Stills
© Filipe Farinha/Stills
© Filipe Farinha/Stills
© Filipe Farinha/Stills
© Filipe Farinha/Stills
© Filipe Farinha/Stills