What is there /
What happens in
space (-time?)
between translation and the object from which it comes / the translated object?
Légende is a project that, using the conference codes, will address these questions, taking as its starting point the language of birds and the questions that the study of this language can create. Légende is an attempt to enter the world of words, to play with them, to question them. What are their powers and their faults? A word as an act.
Being French and having grown up with a Brazilian mother, Romain has always shown an interest in languages and translation. He works on language, discourse, its construction methods and its limits. The human languages that Romain speaks (Portuguese, French and English) are the materials he uses. Regardless of the project, each language can be used in its own sphere or in its relationship with other languages.
Paradoxically, these concerns awaken in Romain an interest on what languages cannot express, and on the languages he does not master or does not understand. Not only the "human languages he does not speak", but also languages in his broad understanding, like the language of cells or the language of "nature", for instance. A key question for Romain could be: "what is there between these languages"?
Jury Prize - Best Performance
FITT New Dramaturgies 2020 (Festival International de Teatro de Tarragona)