


Lano Kaj Neĝo* by Miguel Pereira for ASTA, 2019

Lano Kaj Neĝo * focuses on Ferreira de Castro's ‘A Lã e a Neve’ (The Wool and the Snow), a symbol of the social and cultural identity of the Beira Interior region, as well as a reference in national literature. I was interested in finding a vehicle that served the local context and at the same time projected the questions and yearnings of our humanity. The play follows Horácio's journey from being a shepherd in Manteigas, hoping one day to be able to afford the house he dreams of living in with his family, to becoming a weaver in a factory in Covilhã and confronting the harsh reality of the working class. Set in the 1940s, during the period of the Second World War and with the dictatorship in Portugal as a backdrop, it looks at the isolated mountains and the precarious conditions in which those mountain dwellers live, and looks at the heyday of the industrial and textile world in Covilhã where labour becomes an important social demand. Ferreira de Castro brings us face to face with the incessant search of men and women for better living conditions, hoping that one day that ‘new world’ to which everyone aspires will arrive.

*A Lã e a Neve (The Wool and the Snow), in Esperanto. Esperanto is mentioned in the work through an emblematic character who is central to the narrative, Marreta, who represents the search for progressive ideals that Ferreira Castro subliminally inserts. Esperanto is an artificial language created as an attempt to project a universal language.



Miguel Pereira

Ferreira de Castro

Performed by
Bruno Esteves, Carmo Teixeira, Sérgio Novo

Artistic Consultancy
Miguel Rainha

Conception and light design
Miguel Pereira with Bruno Esteves and Pedro Fonseca / ac collective

Jorge Mendes

Production and Communication
Rui Pires

Production and Communication Assistant
Helena Ribeiro

Câmara Municipal da Guarda, Câmara Municipal de Gouveia, Freguesia de Famalicão, Teatro Municipal da Guarda, Cine Teatro de Gouveia, Casa da Cultura de Famalicão

Câmara Municipal da Covilhã, IPDJ, Oriental de São Martinho

Museu de Lanifícios (Covilhã), New Hand Lab (Covilhã), Museu do Meio (Meio)  

ASTA is a structure funded by República Portuguesa - Cultura | DGArtes - Direção Geral das Artes


8 October 2019, Ajidanha Studio, Idanha-a-Nova/Portugal
14 June 2019, Guarda Municipal Theatre, Guarda/Portugal
9 June 2019, Espaço A Bruxa Teatro, Évora/Portugal
7 June 2019, Cine Teatro Pax Julia, Beja/Portugal
1 June 2019, Mala Voadora, Porto/Portugal
23 - 28 May 2019, New Hand Lab, Covilhã/Portugal
19 May at 21h30, Centro Cultural de Famalicão da Serra, Guarda/Portugal
17 May at 21h30, Ciclo Dança Invisível, Palácio do Sobralinho, Vila Franca de Xira/Portugal
Premiere 11 May 2019, Cine Teatro de Gouveia, Gouveia/Portugal

© Rita Carrilho
© Rita Carrilho
© Rita Carrilho
© Rita Carrilho
© Rita Carrilho
© Rita Carrilho