A Dançadora-Adensante e o Dizedor-Indecente is a show strongly influenced by the Out of Print exhibition, created using the material from that exhibition. The exhibition is infinite, gigantic. There was no concern to be exhaustive about it; we travelled through it, letting ourselves be grabbed by what immediately suggested images, texts and situations that we could recreate and merge with our own text and movement work. We appropriated images or ideas suggested by works by artists such as Alan Kaprow, Robert Morris, Douglas Huebler, David Askevold, Stanley Brouwn, Mel Bochner, Ian Wilson, Sol LeWitt, Joseph Kosuth and Fernando Aguiar.
A Dançadora-Adensante e o Dizedor-Indecente can provide another possible look at the exhibition, demarcating territories around certain works, intensifying attention to certain details, amplifying some details. Irony, humour and subversion are elements that are strongly present in the exhibition and that we have tried to bring to the show. Also strongly present is the work on sound - in all the visual and concrete poetry and in the recordings of sound works in the library, which represent an important core of this exhibition and of the physical space in which we will be performing - and which in this show translates into the usual exploration of voice sounds, this time with the addition of the work of sound designer Rui Dâmaso, who will manipulate the sounds present in the animated beings. And inanimate.