Twilight Practices with Dani d'Emilia & Mar Mordente, 2024
9 - 13 December 2024
Monday to Friday from 6.30 to 9.30pm
Espaço da Penha, Lisbon
Faced with the multiple crises and collapses of the modern-colonial petrosexorracist world-paradigm, we continue to investigate poetics and life-art pedagogies that help us not to repeat the same mistakes. From this continuous work, the ‘Twilight Practices’ emerge, in which we work on ways of listening and tuning in to more-than-human forces, listening to the vital sap that still runs beneath the ruins of modernity. The workshop-journey we are proposing will consist of critical thinking sessions and embodied practices that cross our physical, social and metabolic bodies. We will dive into 3 portals: heart-root-mycelium (interconnectivity), serpent-compost-ruin (de_generation), dream-seed-sap (re_generation).
Dani d'Emilia
Artist, educator and researcher into the intersections between body arts, radical pedagogies and eco-social-relational justice. Their work is driven by Radical Tenderness as a guiding force and crossed by transfeminist and decolonial sentiments. They are a member of the collective Gestos Rumo a Futuros Decoloniais (Gestures Towards Decolonial Futures) (CA/BR) and guides and collaborates on various projects that focus on investigating ways in which political-affective practices can help us weave relationships of responsibility amid the complexities of the social and climate crises in which we are immersed.
Mar Mordente
Based between Rio de Janeiro (BR) and Oaxaca (MX), they work at the intersection of the performing arts and radical pedagogies. Mar is moved by the relationship between art and ancestral medicines, working in alliance with the urgencies and knowledge of indigenous community feminisms and decolonial movements. Their performative and pedagogical research is based on non-Western perspectives on dreams, ancestral reparation and collective healing rituals. Mar is co-founder of Casa Conjuro, a research centre offering decolonial somatic practices. They are currently taking part in the REC Artistic Residency (Reactivating Exiled Capacities), a project of the collective Gestos Rumo a Futuros Decoloniais (Gestures Towards Decolonial Futures).
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