Vera Mantero and Luís Guerra together on stage for the first time. The proposal is to dance without any set choreography. They will rely solely on the movement generated by their bodies, without soundtrack, light design or scenography. The apparent simplicity of this encounter will hopefully serve as fertile ground for the emergence of the various sensibilities within them.
Transparent painting on invisible canvas an improvisation by Luís Guerra and Vera Mantero, 2020
Luís Guerra and Vera Mantero
O Rumo do Fumo
O Rumo do Fumo is financed by República Portuguesa - Cultura | Direcção-Geral das Artes
16 September 2023, FIDANC - Festival Internacional de Dança Contemporânea, Black Box CDCE, Évora/Portugal
31 October 2020, contraDANÇA - Festival de dança e movimento contemporâneo, New Hand Lab, Covilhã/Portugal
Premiere 19 September 2020, Circular - Festival de Artes Performativas, Auditório Municipal de Vila do Conde, Vila do Conde/Portugal