


The Gesture by Elizabete Francisca, Francisca Manuel and Jennifer Bonn, 2019

The Gesture is a free and subjective portrayal of the professional activities of nine different people, inspired by the gestures that emerge and the bodies that are created through the intertwining of life stories and professional choices.

An archaeology of gestures and an archaeology of memories that create a common ground, where the emancipatory power of gesture can be understood in its entirety and in its wealth. How do we talk about what do we do and how does what we do inform us about ourselves? How do we perceive what surrounds us from the unique place where we stand, and how do we enter into vibrating relationships with things and with others?

In these different professional worlds, the conventional hierarchy of knowledge is undone, and power is given to how one does rather than to what one does. The film focuses on body knowledge and on how it can be understood and conveyed.

The Gesture is inspired by a performative event that took place in October 2016 in Lisbon, entitled AROUND THE TABLE, for an imagination of gesture, co-produced by Maria Matos Municipal Theatre. Some participants in this performance have become characters in the film.

Collective Project AROUND THE TABLE, for an imagination of gesture


Afonso Wallenstein, Carlota Lagido, Carolina Campos, Daniel Pizamiglio, David Marques, Evandro Correia, Guilherme da Luz, Ivan Costa, João Carvalho, Margarida Bettencourt, Matthieu Ehrlacher, Nuno Carrusca, Patrícia Timóteo, Paula Cristina Peralta, Telmo Cruz and Vasco Nobre Lopes
Written by
Elizabete Francisca, Francisca Manuel and Jennifer Bonn
Produced by
O Rumo do Fumo
Production Coordinator
Cátia Mateus
Production Assistant
Rita Benito Monteiro
Research Support
Luísa Veloso
Francisca Manuel
Camera Assistant
Luca d’Introno
Colour Correction
Luís Costa (Arena Filmes)
Jennifer Bonn
Elizabete Francisca and Eduardo Brito
Francisca Manuel and Jennifer Bonn
Lula Pena
Rehearsal Assistant
António MV
Jennifer Bonn
Francisca Manuel
Post-production Studio
Obatala, Le Hourc, ORO/Loïc Touzé
Alkantara, Causas Comuns, Eira/Teatro da Voz, Maria Matos Teatro Municipal, Traverse
Bazar do vídeo, Sapadores Bombeiros da Graça, Bruno Jamaica, Cláudia Varejão, Cristina Santos, Eduarda Moura, Espaço Gaivotas, Frame Colectivo, Frédéric Lombard, Fundação Oriente, Gabriela Salazar, Gabinete do Secretário-Geral da Assembleia da República, Glaura Cardoso Vale, Gonçalo Pires, Inês Cartaxo, Jérèmie Moussaid Kerouanton, Joana de Castro, Joana Maia, João Jacinto, Joahn Volmar, Kino Sousa, Luara Learth, Luísa Veloso, Maria João Garcia, Mathilde Bonicel, Mestre André, Mia Tomé, Paula Pereira, Pedro Faria, Rita Brás, Sara Semedo, Teatro Praga, Teresa Silva and Xico da Ladra


Premiere 9 November 2019, Festival Temps d'Images, Fundação Arpad Szenes-Vieira da Silva, Lisbon/Portugal

Preview 30 April 2018, Espaço alkantara, Lisbon/Portugal

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