


The Dance of My History by Miguel Pereira, 2018

The Dance of My History was created in the framework of the lecture cycle My Dance History, created and organised by Forum Dança and O Rumo do Fumo. This lecture cycle invites people in the field of dance to share their artistic path crossed by the History of Dance, or the History of the Performing Arts, and how it relates to them.
When idealizing my dance story, I wanted to build it on two vertices: temporality, not necessarily linear in a personal or artistic path, but guided by affective memories; and the presentation of materials, movements and events that mostly escape the usual focus of visibility of the performing arts circuit.
The people who inhabit my body through my warm-ups, an episode that happened in an audition for Pina Bausch or a small performance performed at the beginning of my artistic life, are some of the elements that build the body of this story and this dance.


Performance-conference created in the framework of the lecture cycle My Dance History

By and With
Miguel Pereira

O Rumo do Fumo e Forum Dança
Tour Management
O Rumo do Fumo


3 November 2022, Encontro de Artes Performativas RE=INICIAR, Black Box, ICC - Centro de Criação Imaginarius, Santa Maria da Feira/Portugal
1 October 2020, Ciclo de Teatro e Artes Performativas Mimesis, Auditório da Reitoria da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra/Portugal
6 March 2020, Cultura em Expansão, Auditório Junta de Campanhã, Porto/Portugal  
12 December 2019, Programa O Rumo do Fumo - 20 Years/Lecture Cycle My Dance History, Biblioteca Camões, Lisbon/Portugal
26 October 2019, Anniversarium - Azeite Tojeira.CENTA, Herdade Tapada da Tojeira, Vila Velha de Ródão/Portugal
2 June 2019, Serralves em Festa!, Foyer do Auditório, Fundação de Serralves, Porto/Portugal
18 January 2018, Lecture Cycle My Dance History, Espaço da Penha, Lisbon/Portugal
© Lais Pereira