


The Dance of Existing by Vera Mantero, 1995

A dance of adequacy. Adjusting to a space, adjusting to an existence.

The dance of the concrete. A dance of that which is not possible to articulate in words.

A dance on being here, just being. The dance of the impossible, of that which is.

A dance of the pleasure of the absolute rigour between space and time.

The dance that wants to know what is it to be really open.

The dance of the deep pleasure of being on stage (wow, how lucky I am, gee!).

A dance of silence.


Conception and performance
Vera Mantero

Creation of the soundtrack
Vera Mantero and Sérgio Pelágio

Editing of the soundtrack
Sérgio Pelágio

With voices of
Joaquim, Mário and Jorge (Colonial War military), Pedro Paixão, Vera Mantero, Sérgio Pelágio among others

Texts by or based in
Gregory Bateson, Ruy Belo, William Blake, Eric Bogosian, John Cage, Teresa Montalvão and Michel Schneider

Light design
João Paulo Xavier

15 minutes


23 October 2010, Festival Internacional de Dança, Évora/Portugal
7 - 8 November 2009, Festival Panorama de Dança 2009 Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
26 October 2009, XIV Festival Internacional de Dança do Recife, Teatro Hermilo Borba Filho, Recife/Brasil
18 September 2009, Teatro da Cerca de São Bernardo - A Escola da Noite, Coimbra/Portugal
3 September 2005, Avanteatro, Festa do Avante, Seixal/Portugal
19 - 20 September 2003, Casa de Teatro, Sintra/Portugal
14 July 2001, Teatro do Campo Alegre, Porto/Portugal
5 May 2001, Auditório Municipal, Vila do Conde/Portugal
31 March 2001, Devir, Faro/Portugal
23 March 2001, Cine-Teatro Avenida,  Castelo Branco/Portugal
6 October 2000, Convento do Carmo, Mês de Dança, Évora/Portugal
18 May 2000, Festival Choré-Graphiques, Thêatre Louis Jouvet, Tours/France
13 January 2000, Centre de Développement Chorégraphique,Toulouse/ France
17 March 1999, Culturgest, (Mês de Março, Mês de Vera), Lisbon/Portugal
4 - 5 February 1997, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon/Portugal
2 November 1996, Loulé/Portugal
9 - 10 July 1996, American Dance Festival, Durham/U.S.A.
2 December 1995, 3rd Quinzena da Dança de Almada, Casa da Cerca - Centro de Arte Contemporânea, Almada/Portugal
20 October 1995, Festival Klapstuk, Leuven/Belgium
Premiere - 27 May 1995, Festival Danças na Cidade, Lisbon/Portugal
© José Fabião
© José Fabião