


That time may cease and midnight never come by Henrique Furtado Vieira and Chiara Taviani, 2020

“The house shelters daydreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.” – Gaston Bachelard

That time may cease and midnight never come is a digital and filmic study of the imagination through the home and its spaces – from the bathtub to the kitchen, the library to the attic – and taking a look into the hidden corners, like the wardrobe or the fireplace.
This work is an attempt to talk about our contemporary condition under these new circumstances of covidien confinement; to remain subliminally connected to the spaces where we live; to preserve and foster a poetic look in the face of the apparent banality and predictability of the home receptacle.
Filling images in the historical moment we are living, confronted with depopulated spaces, makes us wonder and dwell on Martin Heidegger’s question: “Why are there beings at all, instead of nothing?”


Chiara Taviani & Henrique Furtado Vieira

Chiara Taviani, Henrique Furtado Vieira, Simone Previdi, Vera Nunes, Leonor Nunes, Fred

Technical Support
Enya Belak Gupta, Anna Arthur

Thanks to
Forum Dança, O Rumo do Fumo, Luís Rosário, Hugo Coelho

Images come from royalty-free web sources except for 2 images © Stéphane Rozenbaum and 1 image © Charlie Kaufman
Songs come from royalty-free web sources except for Home call - Jimmie Rodgers and Shimmy doll - Ashley Beaumont
This work was commissioned by Aerowaves, as part of Twenty20 Frameworks - more info
This film is dedicated to Leonor


Premiere 25 June 2020, Zoom, Twenty20 Frameworks, Aerowaves
