


Step Into The World (And Out) by Vera Mantero for P.A.R.T.S., 2016

A new generation of 35 young dancers is finishing their 3 years dance training at P.A.R.T.S., 35 dancers from 25 different countries will graduate in June 2016. For the final work of their education 5 choreographers are engaged to create a piece, Vera Mantero (P), Fabrice Mazliah (Fr/D), Marc Vanrunxt (B), Eszter Salamon (D/F), Daniel Linehan(USA/B), each working with a smaller group of dancers. These 5 creations and a selection of personal work by the students go on Tour in June in different venues in Belgium and some neighbouring countries. 

Step Into The World (And Out) by Vera Mantero

Mantero will be diving into the dance and performance scene with six dansers. Discovering the time, our lifes, beliefs and our emotions, our needs, senses and desires.


Vera Mantero
Mario Barrantes Espinoza, Tina Breiova, Victoria Bryzgalova, Efrat Galai, Maya Olivia and Adriano Vincente



29 June, ITs Festival at De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam/Netherlands
20 June, PACT Zollverein, Essen/Germany
17 June, Kunstencentrum Vooruit, Ghent/Belgium
14 and 15 June, Kaaistudios, Brussels/Belgium
Premiere - 16 June 2016, Graduation Tour, Monty, Antwerp/Belgium