


Splendour and Dysmorphia by Vera Mantero and Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, 2019

A hybrid recital for two body-landscapes animated by breathing. A cluster that destroys and expands, disaster and anti-disaster in which acceleration, fungi and voice survive. Invisible splendours. Hyper-future and hyper-past. Between dysmorphia, the sun and the flesh.

Splendour and Dysmorphia premiered in June 2019 at the 73rd edition of the Avignon Festival, as part of the VIVE LE SUJET! programme at the Jardin de la Vierge. Co-produced by the Avignon Festival and SACD - Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques, the piece is a co-creation between choreographer Vera Mantero and musician and visual artist Jonathan Uriel Saldanha. The premiere in Portugal took place in February 2020 at the Vila Flor Cultural Centre, Guimarães, as part of the GUIdance Festival, and moved the project to a performance hall context, making use of other scenic resources.

In 2024, Vera and Jonathan work together again on this creation, giving rise to the film The Breaking Point, presented at the TBA - Teatro do Bairro Alto in Lisbon.


Creation and Interpretation
Vera Mantero and Jonathan Uliel Saldanha
Set, Costumes and Props
Vera Mantero and Jonathan Uliel Saldanha
Ribbon Mask Construction
Aldina Jesus

Light Design
Leticia Skrycky
Jonathan Uliel Saldanha
Vera Mantero
Paysage avec Argonautes by Heiner Müller, excerpts of Le monstre dans l’art occidental by Gilbert Lascault. © edited by Klincksieck, Paris
Joos van Craesbeeck and Erbe, Pooley: USDA, ARS, EMU
O Rumo do Fumo
SACD - Festival d'Avignon, Centro Cultural Vila Flor
André Guedes, Catarina Miranda, Miguel Pereira and Tiago Barbosa


12 - 14 January 2024, Teatro do Bairro Alto, Lisbon/Portugal | With a screening of the film The Breaking Point after the performance
20 June - 20 July 2021, Portuguese Platform of Performing Arts, Online/Portugal
29 October 2020, Linha de Fuga - Laboratório & Festival Internacional de Artes Performativas, Oficina Municipal Do Teatro, Coimbra, Portugal
National Première 7 February 2020, Festival GUIdance, Pequeno Auditório, Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Guimarães/Portugal
World Première 6 - 8 and 10 - 12 July 2019, Festival d'Avignon - Vive le Sujet!, Jardin de la Vierge du lycée Saint-Joseph, Avignon/France


Monstrification practices
Text by Cláudia Galhós

© Pedro Figueiredo
© Pedro Figueiredo
© Pedro Figueiredo
© Pedro Figueiredo
© Pedro Figueiredo
© Pedro Figueiredo
Esplendor e Dismorfia | Promo