An ephemeral character such as that of live performances always confronts us with their fragile materiality. In most cases, we are left only with the memory and accounts (and some photos or video records) as a possibility for historical reconstitution. Yet, its strength and existence are undoubtedly constituted by what happens in that particular moment between the spectator and the spectacle.
The coincidence between being invited by the Ballet Contemporâneo do Norte (BCN) to create a piece for the company and its 20th anniversary seemed to me the appropriate time for a retrospective exercise. As if looking at the past we could suspend for some moments an uncertain present, thus making future actions possible.
"Repertoire for Chairs Costumes and Extras" is an attempt in composition and recreation departing from several works of the BCN repertoire, of my own work and of some fundamental authors of the history of dance, taking three thematic elements as its axis: chairs, costumes and extras.
Miguel Pereira
Creation, Artistic and Stage Direction
Miguel Pereira
Joclécio Azevedo e Susana Otero
Extras Cineteatro António Lamoso
Tiago Abelho, Joaquim Maia, Carla Elisabete, Diana Lapa, Afonso Cunha, Isabel Andrade Silva, Catarina Teixeira, João Oliveira, Águeda Correia, Inês Mondim, Rogério Pacheco, Alexandra Gondin, Ana “Cacau” Silva, Vasco Otero, Katycilanne Reis, Silvana Pinto, Rita Marques and Armanda Queiróz
Extras DDD Festival
Tiago Abelho, Joaquim Maia, Carla Elisabete, Carolina Baptista, Mariana Rocha, Isabel Andrade Silva, Patrícia Gomes, João Oliveira, Águeda Correia, Inês Mondim, Rogério Pacheco, Alexandra Gondin, Ana “Cacau” Silva, Vasco Otero, Katycilanne Reis, Silvana Pinto, Teresa Vieira and Armanda Queiróz
Extras Festival Cumplicidades
Alexandra Gondim, Silvana Pinto, Tiago Abelho, Diana Mota, Beatriz Marques Silva, Gonçalo Costa, Ibrahima Kebe, Vasco Temudo, Maria Matos, David Silva, Filipe Ambrósio, Jessica Guez, Diogo Cadete and Beatriz Pires
Sound Design and Operation
Pedro Augusto
Stage Direction and Rehearsal Assistant
Inês Nogueira
Light Design
Carin Geada
Light Operator
Francisco Campos
Miguel Pereira in collaboration with Jordann Santos (from original BCN costumes)
Teaser and video
Leonel Meneses
Xana Novais
Rogério Nuno Costa
Eduardo Ferreira
Manuel Poças
Executive Production
Rivoli – Teatro Municipal do Porto
Rivoli – Teatro Municipal do Porto, A22-Armazém 22
Support to promotion
O Rumo do Fumo
Tup-Teatro Universitário do Porto, Cristina Grande, Magda Henriques, Luísa Veloso, Jordann Santos, Elisa Worm, Luís Carolino e Erva Daninha
Repertoire for chairs, costumes and extras is dedicated to Joana Botelho and Manuel Poças.
5 July 2019, Cistermúsica - Festival de Música de Alcobaça, Claustro D. Afonso VI, Mosteiro de Alcobaça, Alcobaça/Portugal
10 - 16 March 2018, Festival Cumplicidades, Teatro Ibérico, Lisbon/Portugal
29 Abril 2016, Auditório Municipal de Gaia, DDD Dias da Dança festival, Vila Nova de Gaia/Portugal
Premiere - 10 October 2016, Cineteatro António Lamoso, Santa Maria da Feira/Portugal