


P.E.D.R.A. Educational Dance Project for Teenagers from Vera Mantero's repertoire, 2020

PEDRA is a contemporary dance project, designed for young people aged between 15 and 18, with or without artistic experience. Its starting point is the invitation addressed to a famous Portuguese choreographer with a repertoire that can be easily worked. Activities take place simultaneously in Lisbon, Porto and Viseu, and each city chooses a group of young people who will work together in a spirit of cocreation with a local choreographer, all accompanied by the guest choreographer. The programme ends with the presentation of an exercise based on the interpretation and enjoyment of the repertoire chosen by each group.

Created and co-produced by Culturgest, Teatro Municipal do Porto and Teatro Viriato, this will be the third and final edition of the project. In 2018, the guest choreographer was Clara Andermatt and the host city was Porto; in 2019, the guest choreographer was Francisco Camacho and the host city was Viseu; in 2020, the guest choreographer is Vera Mantero and the local choreographers are Henrique Furtado Vieira (Lisboa), Vera Santos (Porto) and Leonor Barata (Viseu).

Free participation/ Weekly programme to be scheduled with the participants


Final presentation and talk with Vera Mantero, Henrique Furtado Vieira, Vera Santos, Leonor Barata and the participants, moderated by Pedro Santos Guerreiro

Live streaming - June 14 at 6pm, on Facebook O Rumo do Fumo and Culturgest (Facebook and YouTube), Teatro Municipal do Porto - Rivoli . Campo Alegre (Facebook), Teatro Viriato (YouTube SubPalco Teatro Viriato) social networks


Vera Mantero is the guest choreographer of the third and last edition of P.E.D.R.A., which will have a final presentation online on June 14 at 6pm, followed by a talk with Vera Mantero, the choreographers of each city – Henrique Furtado Vieira (Lisbon), Vera Santos (Porto) and Leonor Barata (Viseu) – and the participants. The talk will be moderated by Pedro Santos Guerreiro. 

P.E.D.R.A is a project devised and created to encourage young people to learn and to partake in contemporary dance, organized by Culturgest, Teatro Municipal do Porto and Teatro Viriato.

Three renown national choreographers were invited to share their repertoire with about 70 youths, aged between 15 and 18, with and without dance experience, in three cities, during the course of three years, between 2018 and 2020. 

Between December and April, groups from the three cities gathered weekly to explore the language of the guest choreographer in work sessions designed to encourage co-creation and reinterpretation of the given repertoire, oriented by a local choreographer. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the live work was interrupted and continued online. This final event, which signals the end of the project, cannot be presented live, so it will be shown online and nationwide.


Links live streamming / / / /


2020 Edition
Guest Choreographer
Vera Mantero
Local Choreographers
Henrique Furtado Vieira (Culturgest), Vera Santos (Teatro Municipal do Porto) and Leonor Barata (Teatro Viriato)
Participants - Culturgest
Beatriz Cabral, Carlos Lebre, Celeste Vasques, Cláudia Inácio, Fatou Fall, Madalena Caldeira de Sousa, Margarida Sequeira, Mariana Vasconcelos and Viviana Gonçalves
Participants - Teatro Municipal do Porto
Beatriz Rios, Carlos Pereira, Catarina Borzyak, Elizabeth Dumbill, Gabriela Rodrigues, Jéssica Ferreira, João Figueiredo, Marco Martins, Maria Loureiro and Miguel Marinho 
Participants - Teatro Viriato
Beatriz Ferreira Costa, Carlota Melo Duarte, Inês Eugénia Afonso Cruz, Mafalda Venturini Ramos, Maria Inês Gomes da Silva Marques, Martim Cunha Rodrigues, Sofia Costa Fong Vieira Gomes and Tiago Peres 
Pedro Santos Guerreiro
Video Editing
Zito Marques


Final Presentation live streaming 14 June 2020, Facebook O Rumo do Fumo and Culturgest (Facebook and YouTube), Teatro Municipal do Porto - Rivoli . Campo Alegre (Facebook), Teatro Viriato (YouTube SubPalco Teatro Viriato) social networks

Masterclass with Vera Mantero and Henrique Furtado Vieira in Lisbon 23 November 2020, Culturgest - Fundação CGD, Lisbon/Portugal

Apresentação Final / Final Presentation