


My name is Georgeanne by Miguel Pereira, 2011

Throughout my artistic career I’ve been always confronted with an inevitable contradiction: my time of gestation and creation – a time sometimes dilated sometimes intersected, unpredictable, guided by desires, impulses, by non-linearity and even by indiscipline – enters in constant collisions with the established time, a time too regulated and repetitive.
Over three years I dedicated myself to reflect, experiment and learn about the world of amateurs' shows, and those, who in their leisure time dedicate their time to the artistic practice. Those, who do not have an obligation to build a status that legitimate themselves in the professional life, simply let themselves go by the pleasure they feel on what they do. Dance, theatre or 'show', has always been for me a pretext to find that space of freedom and pleasure, to find that place of “leisure time”, where it would be possible to reflect, digest or change the world and reality. And it is in that “leisure” time that I want to put myself, that the show, the event that I do, can be placed in that limbo “between” the finished and unfinished, the possible and impossible, the controlled and the liberating.

Performance from the meeting with Regina Branco in Minde. She is 47 years old and is an English teacher at high school where she also directs drama classes. She belongs to the amateur theatre group Boca de Cena in Minde where she worked, among others, on the play Five women wearing the same dress by Alan Ball that has deeply marked her.


Direction and concept
Miguel Pereira

Text excerpts
Alan Ball and Adília Lopes

Artistic collaboration and rehearsals assistance
Dinis Machado

Regina Branco

Dinis Machado and Miguel Pereira

Isabel Maria

Sound design
Jari Marjamäki

Research collaboration
Luísa Veloso

Materiais Diversos/Festival Materiais Diversos

O Rumo do Fumo

Comuna Teatro de Pesquisa, Forum Dança, Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa

Thanks to
André Guedes, Dora Carvalho, Rogério Venâncio, Vera Ferreira, Vera Mantero

Special thanks
Regina Branco and all the actors and team from Boca de Cena who collaborated in the first phase of the project


27 - 28 April 2012, Maria Matos Teatro Municipal, Lisbon/Portugal
Premiere 26 October 2011, CAORG/Festival Materiais Diversos, Minde/Portugal
© Cláudia Mateus
© Cláudia Mateus
© Cláudia Mateus
© Cláudia Mateus
© Cláudia Mateus
© Cláudia Mateus