


Leet’s share what shop is beiro pateiro Creation by Vera Mantero for Cia. Dançando com a Diferença, 2021

How can we work with Dancing with Difference? How can we work with each and every one of the performers of this work? How can we balance so many different presences? These questions have arisen and every day guided the processes that Vera Mantero confronted to make Vaamo share oque shop é Beiro Pateiro. From the outset, one characteristic has had a strong impact on the choreographer: a contagious joy in the studio, the impression that there is always cause for celebration, for festivities, for joy, even in this pandemic period, or perhaps especially in this pandemic period ... But what is the work about? More than being “About” something, it allows itself to live under a regime of free and often non-verbal associations that are a very faithful portrait of everything that was experienced within this group.



Artistic Direction and Choreography
Vera Mantero
Performers/Co-creators and Choreographer Assistants
Mílton Branco and Telmo Ferreira

Bernardo Graça, Celestine Ndzana, Diogo Freitas, José Figueira, Rui João Costa and Sara Rebolo
Original Music and Musical Direction
Nuno Rebelo
Celestine Ndzana
Set Design
André Guedes
Constança Entrudo
Technical Direction and Light Design
Cristóvão Cunha
Dançando com a Diferença
A Oficina
Dançando com a Diferença [Dancing With The Difference] is project funded in 2020-2021 by República Portuguesa - XXII Governo / Direcção-Geral das Artes, Governo Regional da Madeira através da Direcção Regional de Educação e Direcção Regional de Cultura e Câmara Municipal do Funchal
© Júlio Silva Castro
© Júlio Silva Castro
© Júlio Silva Castro
© Júlio Silva Castro
© Júlio Silva Castro
© Júlio Silva Castro
© Júlio Silva Castro