... k(ә) su'pσrtɐ i s(ә)ˈpaɾɐ i kõˈtɐj uʃ dojʃ mũ'duz‿i õ'dulɐ * by Vera Mantero & Guests, 2002
i persecute (look for) something, in fact, something special.
unfortunately it is so imbricate that sometimes i lose sight of it.
at least i can say meanwhile that i have a sensitiveness that a lot of times works on its own; one could say that it distinguishes itself in a clear notion from the tragic or from the nothing or from the urgency or from the intense sensation, the intense necessity.
i also see this certain something when i hear, for example, what is happening in the songs and in the poetry and in the art of Caetano Veloso; i hear there something, which is very close to the tragic and the generosity, to the pain and the love, to the death and the possibility. i feel close to him and the way he feels: physically, rhythmically, poetically, tragically, happinessly.
that certain wish for happiness, that comprehension of happiness.
all that all together. comprehension of vision.
Vera Mantero
* in “A Cidade Queimada” by Mário Cesariny
Artistic direction
Vera Mantero
Co-creation / performance
Carlos Pez Gonzalez, Jo Stone, João Samões, Paulo Castro, Sabina Holzer, Vera Mantero
Visual conception / installation
Nadia Lauro
Light design
Jean Michel Le Lez
Nuno Rebelo
Executive production
O Rumo do Fumo
Danças na Cidade, Montpellier Danse 02, Lugar Comum, CAPa/DeVIR
Other supports
AFAA – French Ministry for Foreign Affaires, Ministry for Culture – GRI, Portugal, National Theatre São Carlos, Lisbon, Bazar do Vídeo, Lisbon
1h 25
24 - 25 March 2005, Kaai Theater, Brussels/Belgium
20 - 22 October 2005, Tanzquartier, Vienna/Austria
24 - 26 November 2004, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris/France
20 - 21 February 2003, La Friche La Belle de Mai, Marselhe/France (Miguel Pereira has participated in this performance replacing Carlos Pez)
1 - 3 July 2002, Festival Montpellierdanse, Montpellier/France
22, 24 and 25 June 2002, Festival Danças na Cidade 2002/CCB-Pequeno Auditório, Lisbon/Portugal