


I could write a song by Nuno Lucas, 2015

"We speak nothing else but of ourselves."

It is without a doubt that this sentence from Lacan is at the hearth and origine of the monologue from portuguese choreographer and performer Nuno Lucas.

He will be alone on stage but he will recall characters who have haunted and haunt him by bringing them to the present. This piece is a playful and poetic dive into the inner space of our emotions. His grandmother for example, for her "peculiar diferent way of talking", his parents, girlfriends, friends, co-workers, partners this is the whole societal field of an immigrant who is living in Paris. But all of this will be transcended into a semantic field of lively words, that goes beyond just a neutral narrative, but rather a calling for the interiority of each spectator. He starts from simple situations, anecdotes that cannot avoid sending the audience to his own stories.

"I think that just like in the dreams that one talks to one's psychiatrist, most of the stories we experience are provoked by us for the unconscious purpose of telling them to others" he says. The act of sharing, then, at the origin of our actions, as the hidden engine, the reason that is at the heart of our actions.


Choreography and Performance
Nuno Lucas
Co-writer and Dramaturg
Frédéric Danos
Sound Design
Cristián Sotomayor
Light Design
Bertrand Saunier

Association Petit Plus

Festival Artdanthé - Théâtre de Vanves

CAMPO (Belgium), Ménagerie de verre (France), Centre National de la Danse (France), Forum Dança (Portugal), ACCCA (Portugal)
Tour Management
O Rumo do Fumo


22 October 2021, Cultura em Expansão, Auditório Grupo Musical de Miragaia, Porto/Portugal
11 March 2020, Festival Cumplicidades and O Rumo do Fumo - 20 Years, Casa Independente, Lisbon/Portugal
4 October 218, Festival contraDança/ASTA, New Hand Lab, Covilhã/Portugal 
18 June 2016, Festival LODO - Club Cultural Matienzo, Buenos Aires/Argentina
4 June 2016, Festival TJCC - Théâtre de Gennevilliers, Paris/France
17 June 2015, Festival FITE, Porto/Portugal
Premiere - 13 February 2015, Théâtre de Vanves-Festival Artdanthe, Paris/France
© Esther Quade
© Carolina Weiger