


Film/documentary: Era um peito só cheio de promessas by Miguel Pereira, 2021

Under the pretext of the 500th anniversary commemoration of the circumnavigation trip of Fernão Magalhães, I have created this show that attempts, based on the legacy and consequences of this feat in our History, to reflect the dance we do and need nowadays.
When I began to conceive this project, I could not imagine how complex and at the same time stimulating it would be to dive into this adventure. I accepted the challenge to work from this event knowing only a growing desire to leave my comfort zone and share a new experience, to rediscover a new energy that I had long felt dormant in me.
During the process I encountered several difficulties, from the confrontation with such a delicate and fracturing theme as this proposal, to various setbacks that arose along the way. This play premiered in Montevideo in December 2019, unfinished, irresolvable perhaps, always in the attempt that time and distance would help clarify the very complex issues it raised.In the meantime, when we were going to present the play in Portugal, which should have happened first in 2020 and now in 2021, the pandemic happened, personal health problems occurred and once again its resolution and continuity were put to the test.
This film/document is intended on the one hand to share our rich and troubled experience of this journey, while at the same time trying, by revisiting the past, to project and glimpse a possibility for the future.


Film | Documentary (2021)
Artistic Direction
Miguel Pereira
Direction and Editing
Miguel Pereira with Hugo Coelho – Aldeia da Luz
Music and Sound Design
Diogo Alvim
Sérgio Diogo Matias
Diogo Alvim, Joaquín Cruz Marín, Leticia Skrycky, Marcelo Evelin, Rafael Silva Provoste
Marta Lança and Miguel Pereira
Hugo Coelho – Aldeia da Luz
Aerial Images
Samuel Morais
Images Chile
Miguel Pereira
Manuel Poças and Rita Monteiro
Hugo Coelho – Aldeia da Luz
 Era só um peito cheio de promessas  (video of the premiere in Uruguay 2019)
Miguel Pereira
Dramaturgic Support 
Marcelo Evelin
Cocreation and Performance
Joaquín Cruz Marín, Rafael Silva Provoste and Miguel Pereira
Light Design
Leticia Skrycky
Music and Sound Design 
Diogo Alvim
Luna Anais
O Rumo do Fumo
São Luiz Teatro Municipal, Teatro Municipal do Porto
Auditorio Nacional del Sodre (Uruguay), Câmara Municipal de Lisboa / Divisão de Acção Cultural / Direcção Municipal de Cultura, CAMPO | gestão e criação em arte contemporânea (Brazil), Casa da América Latina (Portugal), Portuguese Embassies in Brazil, Chile and Uruguay/Camões I.P., Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Portugal), INAE - Instituto Nacional de Artes Escénicas (Uruguay), NAVE (Chile)
Support for the Tour in Chile
Fundação GDA


30 August 2022, Universidad de Los Lagos, Puerto Montt/Chile
August 2022, Online, NAVE, Santiago/Chile
9 - 15 August 2021, FCD – Festival Contemporâneo de São Paulo, eixo Lugares e Processos, Online, /Brazil
29 April - 2 May 2021, O Rumo do Fumo - 20 Years, BOL Virtual Room - São Luiz Teatro Municipal, Online/Portugal
Premiere 21 - 23 April 2021, O Rumo do Fumo - 20 Years and Festival DDD - Dias da Dança, Sala Virtual da BOL, DDD at Home - Teatro Municipal do Porto, Online/Portugal
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