


Embodied Oracle by Sara Anjo and Teresa Silva, 2018

Artistic Residency

24 September - 5 October, O Rumo do Fumo, Espaço da Penha, Lisbon/Portugal


29 - 30 September from 3pm to 7.30pm, O Rumo do Fumo, Espaço da Penha, Lisbon/Portugal

organised by O Rumo do Fumo with support from Câmara Municipal de Lisboa / Divisão de Acção Cultural / Direcção Municipal de Cultura


In Embodied Oracle we propose to create a deck of cards and its game/ritual based on practices of attention, movement and choreographic composition, inspired by the imaginary of tarots and oracles. This workshop explores the therapeutic, playful, transformative and revealing potential of these experiences relating it with the dance practice. We are interested in activating a process of awareness through the body allowing a state of curiosity, sensibility and attention to yourself, the others and the world.


Sara Anjo ) works in the field of dance, mainly as a dancer and choreographer, interested in meditative and ecstatic practices, using walking as one of the main ones. She has graduated in the Contemporary Dance Academy, studied Artistic Studies (BA) at the Faculty of Arts of Lisbon and Contemporary Art at Lisbon’s Catholic University. She holds a master in choreography from Das Graduate School in Amsterdam (2016). As a creator she presented her works in Portugal, Germany, The Netherlands, Slovenia and Cape Verde. She devised Nobody would know to tell that story, a feminist performance (BoxNova CCB 2011); Liquid Landscapes, a travelling dance in an old washing house (Teatro do Silêncio 2012); Shaped as a Tree, a solo about dis-quietness (Negócio ZDB 2016); Walking in collaboration with Teatro do Silêncio (Teatro do Silêncio 2017); Sacrum, a magnetic and sonic walking (Negócio ZDB 2018).


Teresa Silva (Lisbon, 1988) works as a dance rand independent choreographer since 2008. Studied in the National Conservatory Dance School, in the Lisbon Polythecnic’s Higher School of Dance (Degree in Dance) and in the Choreographic Creation, Dance Research and Training Programme at Forum Dança. As a performer, she has worked with Marco d'Agostin, Loïc Touzé, David Marques, Liz Santoro & Pierre Godard, Rita Natálio, Luís Guerra, Tiago Guedes, Tânia Carvalho and Sofia Dias & Vítor Roriz, among others. Recently, she has created What remains of what has passed and New Creation, in collaboration with Filipe Pereira. Since 2012 she has been teaching and collaborating with other artists in projects around pedagogical practices in the context of contemporary dance and performing arts.


Workshop information:

- Applications closed
- Target-audience: people from the age of 16, interested and curious about movement practices, attention, meditation and drawing
- Price: 35€/person (limited vancacies)
- Regulation and conditions: download in Portuguese
- Information: contact


Address: Travessa do Calado, 26b, Penha de França, Lisbon
Public transports: METRO Anjos or Alameda / BUS 706, 718, 730, 735, 742, 797 
© Sara Anjo e Teresa Silva
© Sara Anjo e Teresa Silva
Sara Anjo, © Lais Pereira
Teresa Silva, © Andrea Rodella