


Dobra by Romain Beltrão Teule, 2021

Dobra is a lecture-performance project that begins with the dissection of a word: dobrar.
Dobrar is a Portuguese word that translates as to dub, to double, to fold.
To dub a person's voice (in a film, in a series, in an interview).
To double an actress, an actor (replacing his presence with the presence of his partner, his double).
To fold a folding table, a folding chair (or any object that folds).
Fold a sheet of paper, several times, until you arrive at a mini-sculpture (an origami).
And there is the double, the doppelgänger, a person in the world just like me.

Dobra is a performance in which the speaker begins by describing a journey in which they had the sensation of being pursued by their evil double, their doppelgänger, while watching French films dubbed into Japanese and falling in love with an unemployed furniture designer who made a living working in action films as a stuntman for a famous actor. And the speaker doubles themself. The words unfold. What is told becomes a dance, stories become gestures... in space.

Dobra is a piece that subtly confronts the possibility of manipulating something, from translation to duplication, highlighting the possibility of falsifying everything that is reality.


Creation and Performance
Romain Beltrão Teule
Light, Sound, Space
Santiago Rodriguez Tricot
Artistic Tutorship
Miguel Pereira
Choreography Assistance
Bruno Brandolino
Set Support
Sara Viera Marques
Technical Operation
Pedro Guimarães
Tour Management and Executive Production
O Rumo do Fumo
Le Vertige
Linha de Fuga

Residency Support
Forum Dança, Honolulu, L’Armorica, L’échangeur CDCN, Linha de Fuga, RAMDAM, un centre d’art, CAMPUS Paulo Cunha e Silva (Teatro Municipal do Porto)

Creation Support
DRAC Bretagne, Festival Temps d’Images, Fundação GDA, Fundação Gulbenkian, Mala Voadora
Catarina Saraiva, Claire Buisson, Flora Detraz

O Rumo do Fumo is financed by República Portuguesa - Cultura | Direcção-Geral das Artes


28, 29, 30 November, 5, 6, 7 December 2024, Teatro Municipal São Luiz, Sala Mário Viegas, Lisbon/Portugal
8 June 2024, Casa da Cultura - Teatro Stephens, Marinha Grande/Portugal
25 - 27 November 2022, Sala Estúdio, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Lisbon/Portugal
15 June 2022, Ciclo de Teatro e Artes Performativas — Mimesis, Teatrão - Oficina Municipal do Teatro, Coimbra/Portugal
Premiere 6 - 7 November 2021, Festival Temps d’Images, Museu Nacional do Teatro e da Dança, Lisbon/Portugal

© Alípio Padilha
© Alípio Padilha
© Alípio Padilha
© Alípio Padilha
© Alípio Padilha