Wearing skin-tight playsuits, Aloun Marchal and Henrique Furtado weigh each other up, stare each other down, stand firm in the middle of the stage and let out a cry from deep inside : the challenge is laid down. Face to face, close to each other, conniving and provoking at the same time, they are getting ready. They explore a wide range of sounds and movements with clashing styles, from sports fighting to teasing childish games, from rumbling noises to lullabies, from straightforward breathing to bestial yelling. Progressive mechanisms drive the performers even further into their exercise, moving disjointedly and opening their throats more and more. The pas de deux glides from controlled violence to sensuality, which are both disturbingly based on listening, mimicry and exchange of movements. Progressively, voices and faces, laughing and cruel, get tangled, mixed up and rival each other. Henrique Furtado and Aloun Marchal are ready, at last...
Bibi Ha Bibi by Henrique Furtado Vieira and Aloun Marchal, 2017
Conception and Interpretation
Henrique Furtado Vieira and Aloun Marchal
Camille Rosa in collaboration with Rozenn Lamand
Céline Cartillier
Musical Collaboration
Jerzy Bielski
Light Design
Eduardo Abdala
Transmission of Inuit Songs
Marie-Pascale Dubé
Transmission of Belly Dance
Estela Ferreira
Transmission of Wrestling
Bruno "Bammer" Brito
Possibilitas (SE), Siège (FR)
Tour Management
O Rumo do Fumo
La Place de la Danse CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie (Toulouse/FR) within the network “[DNA] Departures and Arrivals”, co-financed by Europe Creative programme of the European Union, Göteborgs dans & teater Festival (Göteborg/SE), Atalante (SE)
Artistic Residency
Alkantara (PT), EKA Palace (PT), TPE de Bezons (FR), Théâtre Louis Aragon (FR), Ménagerie de Verre (FR), Vitlycke – Centre of Performing Arts (SE), La Briqueterie CDC du Val-de-Marne (FR)
Västra Götalandsregionen (SE), Göteborgs stad Kultur (SE), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (PT), Fundação GDA (PT), Spedidam (FR), Writing support with SACD Beaumarchais (FR), Production support with SACD (FR), Drac ile-de-France (FR)

6 December 2024, A Moagem - Cidade do Engenho e das Artes, Fundão/Portugal
22 November 2024, As part of the cycle "What does dance say?", Centro Cultural Gil Vicente, Sardoal/Portugal
27 April 2024, Festival Encontr’Arte em Terra d'Encantar, Casa do Povo de Cabeção, Mora/Portugal
11 - 13 January 2024, Teatro São Luiz, Sala Mário Viegas, Lisbon/Portugal
28 May 2023, Inestética, Palácio do Sobralinho, Sobralinho/Portugal
24 - 25 January 2020, Festival Trente Trente, Glob Théâtre, Bordeaux/France
18 September 2019, Tba.Moskosel, Luleå/Sweden
15 September 2019, Regionteatern, Växö/Sweden
13 September 2019, Lokstallarna, Karlshamn/Sweden
11 September 2019, Vara Konserthus, Vara/Sweden
15 June 2019, Collectif 12, Mantes-La-Jolie/France
28 March 2019, Festival Artdanthé, Eglise Saint-Merry, Paris/France
27 - 28 November 2018, Grande scène des PSO, Arles/France
24 November 2018, Festival NANT - New Age, New Time, Teatro Viriato, Viseu/Portugal
19 - 20 October 2018, Etoile du Nord, Paris/France
3 October 2018, Festival La Becquée, Le Mac Orlan, Brest/France
17 - 22 September 2018, Touring in Sweden: Vänersborg, Landvetter and Stockholm/Sweden
31 August 2018, Internationale Tanzmesse, Düsseldorf/Germany
17 June 2018, Festival TANZ moderne TANZ, Chemnitz/Germany
5 April 2018, Festival Incandescences, Mains d’Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen/France
2 - 3 February 2018, La Place de la Danse CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie, Toulouse/France
26 - 28 October 2017, Festival Temps d’Images, Rua das Gaivotas 6, Lisbon/Portugal
16 October 2017, KLAP - festival Question de danse, Marseille/France
12 - 14 October 2017, Atalante, Göteborg/Sweden
Bibi Ha Bibi
de Henrique Furtado Vieira & Aloun Marchal
Bombeiros Voluntários de Vila Meã, Amarante/PortugalWednesday and Thursday at 10.30am
As part of the artistic educational programme ESCAPA, promoted by Sekoia - Performing Arts