At the table there is an accumulation of emotions attached by everyday cutlery. At the table there is a accumulation of emotions attached by everyday hard, cold, deformed, aligned and bright cutlery that warm our unconscious hands. What happens when the dark comes at the table? Which direct and indirect links that cutlery brings from its functional elements? What is its intention, its quality, its power, its pain, its pleasure, its brightness, its dirtiness?
At the table there is an accumulation of emotions attached by everyday cutlery by Mathieu Ehrlacher, 2012
Creation and performance
Matthieu Ehrlacher
Light design
Matthieu Ehrlacher
Artistic counselling
Miguel Pereira
15 min.
Thanks to
Forum Dança, Espaço Alkantara, O Rumo do Fumo, Jean-Christophe Larribe, Nuno Alves, Ola Osowicz
This performance was first developed as part of the course PEPCC by Forum Dança, in December 2011, with the title “Title in Black” and reworked later.
Matthieu Ehrlacher
Light design
Matthieu Ehrlacher
Artistic counselling
Miguel Pereira
15 min.
Thanks to
Forum Dança, Espaço Alkantara, O Rumo do Fumo, Jean-Christophe Larribe, Nuno Alves, Ola Osowicz
This performance was first developed as part of the course PEPCC by Forum Dança, in December 2011, with the title “Title in Black” and reworked later.
26 Septembrer 2015, Wroclaw Academy of Art and Design/Festival Rusza, Wroclaw/Poland
27 March 2015, Festival Cumplicidades, Espaço Alkantara, Lisbon/Portugal
11 October 2014, Festival La Becquée/Mac Orlan, Brest/France
9 February 2013, Sycadelic What The: Fuck at SOU, Lisbon/Portugal
23 December 2012, Ora Bolas! Há! Vamos Usá-lo! at Galeria da Boavista, Lisbon/Portugal
15 November 2012, Pré-reforma at Faculdade das Belas Artes, Lisbon/Portugal
3 June 2012, Alkantara Festival at Forum Dança, Lisbon/Portugal
Premiere - 13 April 2012, Ponto de Encontro, Almada/Portugal