My pieces are always born from an impossibility of affirmation - affirmation in the sense of certainty. Society always pushes us towards affirmative values: power, strength, achievements, harmony, etc. What is behind all this is what interests me - frailty, fear, absurd, the monster that might be inside each one of us. How do we live with uncertainty, with our limitations, with the unknown, with mortality in confrontation with culture and with how we build our world? Antonio Miguel was born from these premises, as well as from the necessity or importance of performances in our lives and in society. It’s also about artistic creation, original(ity) and identity, about the individual in relation with others and the necessity of a mirror so that we can be fulfilled.
Miguel Pereira
Miguel Pereira was awarded the Revelation Prize Ribeiro da Fonte 2000/Portuguese Ministry of Culture, and an Honour Nomination for the Prize Madalena Azeredo Perdigão/ACARTE/Gulbenkian Foundation 2000 with this piece.
Antonio Miguel by Miguel Pereira, 2000
General Concept
Miguel Pereira
Creation and Performance
Miguel Pereira and Antonio Tagliarini
Artistic Consultant
Vera Mantero
Light Design
Miguel Pereira with Carlos Gonçalves
Miguel Pereira
Light Operation
Ricardo Madeira
Executive Producer
O Rumo do Fumo
Forum Dança
Support and Artistic Residency
9 August 2013, Festival Verão Azul, Centro Cultural de Lagos, Lagos/Portugal
13 October 2010, Festival Contradança, Covilhã/Portugal
1 October 2010, Circular Festival, Teatro Municipal de Vila de Conde, Vila do Conde/Portugal
30 April 2010, Festival Mapa, Ce.lula, Sant Mori/Spain
5 - 6 May 2006, Teatro Palladium, Roma/Italy
10 Dezember 2005, Bonnie Bird Theatre/Laban Centre, London/England
11 November 2005, Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol/IEngland
3 April 2005, Armentières/France
4 September 2004, Avanteatro, Almada/Portugal
22 - 24 and 26 - 28 January 2004, Théâtre de La Bastille, Paris/France
4 April 2003, Teatro Aveirense, Aveiro/Portugal
29 March 2003, Caldas da Rainha Programa MAPAS/Transforma AC, Caldas da Rainha/Portugal
6 February 2004, Tanzquartier, Viena/Austria
30 November 2002, House of World Cultures, Berlin/Germany
15 September 2002, Natura dei Teatri, Parma/Italy
24 April 2002, Springdance Festival, Utrech/Holand
March 2002, Teatro do Campo Alegre, Porto/Portugal
24 November 2001, CAPA/Devir, Faro/Portugal
16 - 17 November 2001, Teatro Viriato, Viseu/Portugal
11 Outubro 2001, Cine-Teatro, Covilhã/Portugal
5 - 6 October 2001, Festival Mentor 6., Bergen/Norway
20 August 2001, Mladi Levi Festival, Liubliana/Slovenia
11 July 2001, Festival du Bellard Bollwerk, Friburgo/Switzerland
19 - 21 July 2001, Junge Hunde Festival Kampnagel, Hamburg/Germany
12 May 2001, Teatro Maria Matos, Lisbon/Portugal
30 November - 2 December 2000, Festival X, Espaço Ginjal, Lisbon/Portugal
19 - 20 November 2000, Teatro Colosseo, Roma/Italy
27 October 2000, Teatro Carlos Gomes, Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
24 October 2000, Sala Estúdio Nova Dança, São Paulo/Brazil
24 March 2000, Teatro Campo Alegre, Porto/Portugal
Premiere 4 March 2000, Festival Mudanças 2000 (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian), Sala de Ensaio, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon/Portugal