Anarchisms (Through the middle of the room runs a lighter river) tells us about the dream of a man who remembers the house and the three companions with whom he shared his youth. Being aware that memories and dreams are imperfect mechanisms he also knows that only this fuzzy realm, filled with lights and sounds from past history, will reveal to him his present identity. Anarchisms is a performance about absence, dreams, fear and the silence that exist within any group or family constellation. And, at the same time, designs the expectations of a generation facing for the first time its mistakes and lack of a common project. Structured as an epic poem and a group portrait the performance draws on the point of view of the defeated, the outcasts and on the decisive moments in which those who had something in common, ideas and utopias, no longer have them.
The bodies in this performance have no history, no name, nor identity. Since they came into the world they have been told one doesn’t mess with history but they came prepared to mess with it from the beginning until the end. So they enter a room and question themselves, look back at themselves, create a language. The room is a small island in the middle of a wild river. The history trends give shape to the bodies and throw them against the walls. If only they knew enough about the history of dissidence and anarchy maybe, who knows, they could survive. But, had they known enough, they wouldn’t have locked themselves in, in a desperate attempt of living differently. Within this drift of love and hate the bodies are pushed into an impossible balance and only by staying together, touching each other, knowing each other, will they be able to grasp who they are, what they can put together, what life and which relationships they can still pursue. Which adventure is still possible in an ending world. Paraphrasing Ricardo Piglia in Anarchisms, “history is written by the winners but it’s the defeated that dance to it”.