In the beginning, it was emptiness, exhaustion, time slipping away, existential loneliness, among other things. Then came interaction, complicity, confrontation and shared reflection. The game begins again. Can we still play? It's not exactly an unlikely duo. Choreographers and dancers from very close generations, heirs to the old ‘Nova Dança Portuguesa’ of the early 90s, Sílvia Real and Miguel Pereira have built their body of work from the city of Lisbon, and that's how 22 years ago they met for the first time on stage. An encounter that has been repeated and left its mark, and which they are now taking up again, in a very specific period of their lives and their relationship with the current state of the world, launching themselves into the challenge of building a du-e-to fuelled by the specific complicity that unites them, captured here through the gazes and proposals of a group of people from different backgrounds, ages and disciplines, whom Sílvia Real and Miguel Pereira decided to invite. From the study and discussion of what remained and what these encounters revealed about themselves, the fragmentary material emerged that the duo set out to transform dramaturgically, incorporating it and then returning it to the audience, those others who are also us, as if in a recognisable game of mirrors, somewhere on the undefined border between reality and fiction.
Among other things, the pear tree and the real by Miguel Pereira and Sílvia Real, 2025
Co-creation and Interpretation
Miguel Pereira and Sílvia Real
Light, scenic space and dramaturgical support
Tiago Cadete
Rehearsal support
Marusya Byzova
Light operation
Pedro Guimarães
Executive Producers
Patrícia Teixeira / O Rumo do Fumo
Clara Motta / Real Pelágio Productions
Management and Administration
Daniela Ribeiro / O Rumo do Fumo
Ana Carina Paulino / Real Pelágio Productions
Susana Martins / Real Pelágio Productions
João Albano / O Rumo do Fumo
Mel Fox, Andreia Correia
O Rumo do Fumo, Produções Real Pelágio, Teatrocine Torres Vedras, Câmara Municipal de Castelo Banco
Artist Residency
Casa da Dança
O Rumo do Fumo and Produções Real Pelágio are financed by República Portuguesa - Cultura | Direcção-Geral das Artes and Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
PREMIERE: Among other things, the pear tree and the real
by Miguel Pereira and Sílvia Real
Teatro-Cine de Torres Vedras, Torres Vedras/PortugalSaturday at 9.30pm
Among other things, the pear tree and the real
by Miguel Pereira and Sílvia Real
Cine-Teatro Avenida, Castelo Branco/PortugalWednesday, hour to be defined