


Alterity & Practices of the self: improvisation techniques with Elizabete Francisca / O Rumo do Fumo

Dance/Improvisation Laboratory
organised by O Rumo do Fumo with support by Câmara Municipal de Lisboa 

"During this workshop I will share some improvisation practices that I have acquired throughout my artistic career, as a result of meeting different creators in the performing arts. While improvising, the performer/dancer puts themselves in a state of extreme attention and openness to the various stimuli - both interior and exterior - so that they can react to the information, integrate it and make decisions. This state, which is characterised by an expanded perception of the different levels of sensation (seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, touching, intuiting), allows us to broaden the possibilities of positioning ourselves and acting responsibly in a continuous flow of information. Whether in relation to others, in a group, or in relation to yourself, your imagination, desires, fears and ghosts. In this sense, we will do exercises that insist on the quality of presence and attention, in order to create an open and vibrant body that lets itself be crossed, without fear of the unknown and without judgement, where discovery moves through curiosity."

Elizabete Francisca



Elizabete Francisca is a dancer, performer and choreographer who occasionally works on projects as an actress. Since 2010 she has taken part in several improvisation workshops, both in the studio and outdoors, as well as being a performer and collaborator in real-time composition pieces. She was invited by Mark Tompkins and Meg Stuart to join the group of artists for the laboratories, THE LAB (2016) and SERIOUS FUN (2018), the aim of which was to gather material for the book on improvisation ONE SHOT, by the same choreographers. The practice of improvisation runs through his own creative processes for the conception of choreographic pieces, as well as when he collaborates for and with other creators, and is the means par excellence for finding and scrutinising the dance that is possible at any given moment.


27 - 29 May 2022, Espaço da Penha, Lisboa
15 - 18 October 2019, Espaço da Penha, Lisboa
10 - 14 December 2018, Espaço da Penha, Lisboa

© Antonia Buresi