


A besta, As luas by Elizabete Francisca, 2020

Influenced by the verse “I don't obey because I'm wet” from the song “Banho” by Elza Soares, I articulate a possible representation of the political geography of a non-submissive body through gestures and sounds.

Faced with “an absurd life as laws make for us”*, political orders with a dramatic impact on existence of difference and multiplicity in which so many bodies and voices can hardly exist, creates urgency to claim a place of resistance to transform possible weaknesses in arrows and power. The body turns into a political weapon, the last stronghold of any experience, for if it is in it that one can truly review the consequences of a system it is through it that one can reverse processes and realities: in the form of a scream. Affirming individuality in deep reconciliation with its identity and sexuality: from genitalia to head, from head to cosmos, from the cosmos to the ground. A possible prayer in a straight line to stand upright.

* from the book Travels in My Homeland, by Almeida Garrett, 1846



Creation and Performance
Elizabete Francisca

Sound Concept and Life Application
Kino Sousa

Costume Design
Carlota Lagido

Light [stage version]
Tiago Gandra 
Elizabete Francisca and O Rumo do Fumo
Support / Artistic Residencies
A Casa do Burrikórnio, Associação Luzlinar/ Projeto Pontes, Damas Bar, Companhia Olga Roriz - Festival Interferências21, Espaço do Tempo - ETFEST
Special Thanks
Carlos Manuel Oliveira, Julia Salem e Vânia Doutel Vaz
Project supported by
Associação Luzlinar/ Projecto Pontes, Garantir Cultura - Fundo de Fomento Cultural, Fundação GDA


Festival 'New Age, New Time', 20 Jan. Teatro Viriato, Viseu (PT)

Ciclo “O que (te) diz a dança?”23, Teatro Municipal Gonçalves Sapinho, Benedita, 23 April, Org. Materiais Diversos (PT)
Festival Materiais Diversos, 14 Oct. Minde (PT)
'Futuros e Assombrações', 3 Nov., TAGV, Coimbra (PT)

Festival ET, Espaço do Tempo, Montemor-o-Novo. 5 Nov. Org. Espaço do Tempo (PT)
Festival Bons Sons, Auditório, Cem Soldos. 13 Aug. Org. Materiais Diversos/BS (PT)
Festival MED, Palco Bicas Velhas, Loulé. 30 Jun. Org. Associação Bóia/MED (PT)


Festival Interferências, Palácio Pancas Palha, Lisboa. 3-4 Sept. Org. Companhia Olga Roriz (PT)
Festival Paragem, Algar Seco, Carvoeiro. 9 Sept. Org. Associação Bóia/MED (PT)


Festival Cumplicidades, Museu de Lisboa, Palácio Pimenta, Lisboa. 3 Oct. Org. Eira/André Guedes (PT)


Grupo de Investigação (mostra final de residência). Jardim das Pedras, Feital. 7 Sept. Org. O Rumo do Fumo/Ass. Luzlinar (PT)
Ciclo de performances (mostra trabalho em processo), Damas Bar, Lisboa. 26 Jan. Org. Damas Bar (PT)

© Associação Luzlinar