Edições do Saguão

Other Projects > Book Esgotar a Dança, 2024 by Andre Lepecki

Book Esgotar a Dança, 2024

by Andre Lepecki

Published in 2005, Exhausting Dance - Performance And The Politics Of Movement by Andre Lepecki analyses the works of choreographers who have transformed the dance scene since the early 90s. The book studies contemporary European dance. It offers a revision of the way we think about dance, arguing for the need for a renewed commitment between dance studies and experimental artistic and philosophical practices.

Almost 20 years later, O Rumo do Fumo, Associação Parasita and Teatro do Bairro Alto joined forces to translate the book into Portuguese. Esgotar a Dança - A Performance e a Política do Movimento was translated by Miguel Cardoso, in an edition by Edições do Saguão.

The book launch took place on 28 February 2024 at Espaço da Penha. With João dos Santos Martins, Ana Bigotte Vieira, Vera Mantero, Rui Miguel Ribeiro, Miguel Cardoso and André Lepecki.

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Ficha Artística

Exhausting Dance. Performance and the Politics of Movement

Andre Lepecki

Miguel Cardoso

Edições do Saguão

Mariana Pinto dos Santos
Design and Paging
Rui Miguel Ribeiro

1st Edition
December 2023

Initiative and funding
O Rumo do Fumo, Associação Parasita, Teatro do Bairro Alto


Rumo do Fumo is funded by República Portuguesa - Cultura | Direcção-Geral das Artes and Câmara Municipal de Lisboa